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Worlds Without End Blog

Winners: Classical Traditions in Science Fiction Posted at 10:11 PM by Dave Post

Dave Post

Classical Traditions in Science FictionSorry for posting this so late but it took some time to gather all our contestant’s names.  We had 282 retweets and blog comments total!  To pick our winners we assigned each contestant a number then used a random number generator to pick out 2 winners.

Our first place winner is:
Cathy S @SeeCat42
who will receive a hardcover copy of CTSF.

Our second place winner is:
Marie&Jason @WholesomelySpun
who will get a paperback copy.

Our Congrats to you both!

Many thanks to Brett M. Rogers and Benjamin Eldon Stevens and to their publisher Oxford University Press for making this contest possible.  If you did not win, never fear – Classical Traditions in Science Fiction is available for purchase as an eBook right now and will be out in dead tree form on February 9th.  If you appreciate this kind of scholarly work in genre fiction please show that appreciation by buying a copy for yourself.  Let the publishers out there know that there is a desire for these kinds of works in our community.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our retweet contest!  Until next time, read on.

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