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Worlds Without End Blog

Kurt Vonnegut Rises Posted at 12:48 PM by Rico Simpkins


Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.Members of Ball State University’s Immersive Learning  Group have digitized his life:

The group’s completed projects include a digitization of Vonnegut’s physical manuscripts; creation of a film archive and oral history of the author, a traveling exhibit and new products for its gift shop; and development of a marketing plan to help KVML become self-sustaining.

What is immersive learning?  Ball State explains the reason for the new pedagogical philosophy:

The end product of immersive learning is that our graduates move into careers with skills beyond textbook learning. Not only do they have a strong intellectual knowledge base, they know how to work with others and how to drive projects to completion. They’ve been engaged in real-world problems with real budgets and deadlines. They know how to develop priorities in a team, how to lead a team, and how to collaborate as a team member.

Hey, if it means I get to read the original manuscript of Slaughterhouse-Five, I’m all for it.

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