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Worlds Without End Blog

The Locus Young Adult Award Posted at 5:32 AM by Dave Post

Dave Post

Locus YA AwardAs part of our new YA Genre Fiction Month we’ve just added the Locus Young Adult Award for best novel to the site. The award was first issued in 2003 so it has not been around a long time like some of our other awards but we feel it’s a great place to start our expanded coverage.

If you’re a fan of YA this is the award for you but more than that it’s a great resource for us parents trying to introduce our children to genre fiction. Tolkien and Lewis, and the other classics we know and love, can only take us so far. If you’re at all like me you may not know where to begin with the more recent work and oftentimes unfamiliar authors. Plus, with the holiday season rolling ’round the corner, this list of great books might come in handy when you go shopping. Christmas without books is just not Christmas – even if my kids disagree.

So what do you think of this award? Have you read many of these books? Any that you would recommend?


Allie   |   04 Nov 2011 @ 09:03

Hmm, I’ve actually read a few of them, and heard of a lot more. I think its interesting that many of the award-winning/nominated authors also write excellent adult fiction (Le Guin, Pratchett, Gaiman, Mieville, etc.). I don’t really know much about the various YA awards… are there others you’re considering adding to the site as well?

Dave   |   04 Nov 2011 @ 19:26

@ Allie: There really are a bunch of big name authors doing YA right now. I know Mike Resnick and Ian McDonald have YA books coming out from Pyr soon among others. As for other awards, we haven’t identified any other YA awards we want to cover yet but we’re definitely going to add at least one best YA list to the site. We’re trying to decide which one to do right now. If you, or anybody else, know of a good one we’d love to hear about it!

Emil   |   05 Nov 2011 @ 05:29

I’m very intrigued to see McDonald writing a YA book – he is quite a challenging read at the best of times. Still, looking forward to see what he does in this sub-genre.

pen drive recovery   |   07 Nov 2011 @ 00:15

I feel this is a good way to introduce the children to genre fiction. Your blog provided us with important information to concern .

Lucas   |   18 Nov 2011 @ 19:23

Nice move! I haven’t read any of them, but I was about to start with Paolo Bacigalupi’s Ship Breaker and I was also planning to check out the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld. So this list definitively helps!

Dave   |   18 Nov 2011 @ 20:17

@Emil: I think it’s exciting that so many big name authors are trying their hand at YA. @pen drive recovery: Introducing the kids to SF/F/H seems more important than ever to me after going to Worldcon. That crowd was a bit long in the tooth – present company included. @Lucas: Be sure to check out the David Brin YA list we added the other day. Some great books on there too.

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