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Worlds Without End Blog

Heartwood Winners! Posted at 5:19 PM by Dave Post

Dave Post

Our Heartwood, by Freya Robertson, re-tweet contest is now closed. We had 51 re-tweeters and a handful of blog comments and Facebook shares this time around and we have randomly picked our 5 lucky winners:


Miloš Tomin
Jessica Meats
Jenny O’G



Our congrats to all five of our winners and many thanks to all who participated.  Thanks, of course, to Freya Robertson and Angry Robot as well for making the contest possible.  If you’re one of our winners please send your snail mail info to info @ worlds without end dot com and be sure to include the title of the book you’ve won.  We have a lot of these contests and we want to make sure to send you the right book.

Speaking of a lot of contests, we have a new one to kick off Friday so be sure to come back for another shot at some free reads.  And don’t forget to tell your friends about us too!  If they should win a book you can always borrow 😉

Book Giveaway: Heartwood by Freya Robertson Posted at 2:58 PM by Dave Post

Dave Post

Angry RobotSo we just wrapped up our last giveaway and thought why not do another? This time we’ve got 5 advanced copies of Heartwood, the debut book by New Zealand author Freya Robertson. This is the first book in her The Elemental Wars series which comes out from Angry Robot on October 29 in the US and November 7 in the UK so this is your opportunity to get your hands on it early.

For your chance to win all you have to do is re-tweet this tweet, share this post on Facebook or leave a comment below.  Next Wednesday we’ll throw all the names into a hat and draw out 5 lucky winners.

And since this is Freya’s first novel it’s likely that you’ve not read her before so she’s a great candidate for your Women of Genre Fiction Reading Challenge!

by Freya Robertson

A dying tree, a desperate quest, a love story, a last stand.

Chonrad, Lord of Barle, comes to the fortified temple of Heartwood for the Congressus peace talks, which Heartwood’s holy knights have called in an attempt to stave off war in Anguis. But the Arbor, Heartwood’s holy tree, is failing, and because the land and its people are one, it is imperative the nations try to make peace.

After the Veriditas, or annual Greening Ceremony, the Congressus takes place. The talks do not go well and tempers are rising when an army of warriors emerges from the river. After a fierce battle, the Heartwood knights discover that the water warriors have stolen the Arbor’s heart. For the first time in history, its leaves begin to fall…

The knights divide into seven groups and begin an epic quest to retrieve the Arbor, and save the land.


Freya RobertsonAbout the Author:

Freya is a lifelong fan of science fiction and fantasy, as well as a dedicated gamer. She has a deep and abiding fascination for the history and archaeology of the middle ages and spent many hours as a teenager writing out notecards detailing the battles of the Wars of the Roses, or moping around museums looking at ancient skeletons, bits of rusted iron and broken pots.

Freya lives in the glorious country of New Zealand Aotearoa, where the countryside was made to inspire fantasy writers and filmmakers, and where they brew the best coffee in the world.

You can find her online at her website as well as on Twitter and Facebook.

Looks pretty good, right?  Click the cover image to read an excerpt from Heartwood courtesy of the author’s website.  Tweet away my friends and good luck in the contest!